It is a great pleasure to let all know that Social and Resource Development Fund (SARD) has started a new program initiative –Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development (TED) which we consider will become one of the most ambitious impact oriented program to solve the ever increasing challenge of youth unemployment and underemployment; and to make our community economically sustainable and self-reliant in the long term. It aims to be an agent of change to help orient potential Tibetan entrepreneurs and businesses towards becoming competitive and socially impact-oriented.
At present, most of Tibetan entrepreneurs are involved in livelihood businesses without much competitive, innovative and growth mindset. TED plans to bring in changes to this laid-back attitude of doing business by nurturing innovative ideas and ecosystem to address the various impediments that today’s aspiring entrepreneurs are facing. We hope through this initiative, we will be able to create many successful and competitive entrepreneurs who will act as role models for other aspiring youths to emulate and thus, help instilled an entrepreneurial culture within the community which will ultimately contribute to the community’s economic well being.
I therefore would like to invite Tibetan entrepreneurs to become a part of this initiative to bring about self-sustaining economic growth to the individual as well as to the community as whole.